Intermediate JavaScript

Learn programming concepts with JavaScript.

In these lessons, we'll go over concepts that apply to many other programming languages. These concepts are essential for building applications.

We'll also look at aspects of the language that make it unique. Once you learn these skills, you'll be ready to start learning about how JavaScript can be used within the browser and in servers.

Skills covered in this course: JavaScript Functions Recursion Arrays Scope Object Oriented Programming Prototypal Inheritance Regular Expressions


1. Arrays (9:28) Preview
2. Array Functions (5:24)
3. Functions (7:59)
4. Function Return (3:57)
5. Recursion (7:08)
6. Scope (10:02)
7. Closure (8:57)
8. Advanced Arrays (11:01)
9. Objects (4:58)
10. Classes (9:01)
11. Regex (6:18)
12. Errors (8:02)
13. Var Let Const (6:01)